Do you ever feel like you can't get a handle on your personal finances? Maybe it seems like money controls you, instead of the other way around. Or perhaps you just want to learn more about how to apply the truth from God's word to your money.
If you want to change the way you view money, get out of debt or just learn to be a better steward, join us starting Thursday, September 7, at 7:00pm at Freedom Church for Financial Peace University.
This nine-week class will challenge you to think clearly and biblically about personal finances, with the goal of giving you more joy and satisfaction in using the financial resources you have to God's glory.
You can sign up for this Financial Peace University class at If you have any questions about the class or how to sign up, contact Aaron Groen at
We hope to see you there!
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Earlier Event: August 18
Manhood Conference
Later Event: October 27