Blog Post #8- How's It Going? - Some Witnessing Clips April 29, 2022

Well, Hello! How’s it going? Are you finding this blog helpful? Are you learning anything new or inspiring? Are you feeling encouraged? Maybe a bit overwhelmed? I certainly understand! We are here to help. We’ve covered some good ground so far. We’ve introduced a bunch of topics that can help us with Jesus’s command to preach the gospel. We’ve looked at a number of scripture verses to convince us it’s our mission. We’ve listened to some messages about why we need to preach not only the good news of the gospel but also the bad news that precedes it. We’ve heard some analogies (the doctor with the cure, putting the parachute on). We’ve cleared up some misconceptions as to why so many “believers” fall away. We’ve learned to articulate what we believe in under two minutes in order to serve others. And we’ve reasoned through why we should always have tracts available and how to choose and buy good ones. Whew. That’s a lot right?

This week we’re gonna take a break from the weekly challenge. Use the time to go back and catch up on any you haven’t done yet. You’ll be so happy you did! So again, instead of issuing a new challenge, I’m just gonna ask you to watch 2 of my favorite witnessing clips by Kirk Cameron. We’re gonna start learning how to initiate and steer a conversation towards the gospel. But for this week, just soak it in!

Oh, wouldn’t you love to be a wake-up call for someone else? Oh, Father, I pray you have saved this priceless young man!

Isn’t that interesting? At least one of those gang members repented and trusted Christ for salvation! If you’d like to watch that three minute story, CLICK HERE.

Challenge- go back and complete any weekly challenge you haven’t already done. Thank God for giving you the time and ability to complete any challenges you’ve already finished.

If this blog or the accompanying RESOURCE PAGE has been useful to you, please leave a comment below! I’d love to hear from you!

Grace and peace,
