Blog Post #1 - Evangelism Toolkit Introduction - March 4, 2022
By Charaya Morris and Mary Bruns
Hi, Friends! We’d like to introduce this new blog called EVANGELISM TOOLKIT where we take some time each week to introduce and talk about different topics concerning evangelism. Why, you may ask? As fellow believers, we are called to preach and teach the gospel, not just to those overseas, but to our families, friends and neighbors. But sometimes, it can be an overwhelming task. How do I start a conversation with someone about Christ? Am I even qualified to tell someone about Jesus when I still struggle with sins in my life? What if someone asks me a question that I don’t know how to answer?
Our prayer is that God would use our weekly blogs to give you the confidence and information (“tools”, so to speak) you need to boldly proclaim Christ in any scenario you find yourself in. We also plan to provide resources for you to use to further your knowledge on evangelism.
Each week we will present a challenge for you to complete. It may include reading particular sets of scriptures or other written materials, watching particular videos, or even taking some small practical steps to increase your witnessing experiences and service to others!
Here is this week’s challenge:
Go to the Evangelism Toolkit Resource Page on the menu and scroll down to the first section titled Some Helpful Scriptures For Proclaiming The Gospel or CLICK HERE. Prayerfully read through the different verses. Hopefully they will help fuel and encourage your heart and desire to witness to others about our amazing Savior! Leave us a comment to let us know which scriptures spoke to you the most!
We pray you enjoyed this Evangelism Toolkit episode. See you next week!
Grace and Peace!