Led by the Lord to plant a church in Baltimore, our founder, Pastor Michael Crawford moved his family to the city of Baltimore in July of 2009. Freedom’s first public meeting was held about a month later at the YMCA on 33rd street. 50 adults and 12 kids showed up to hear about the vision, mission and values of Freedom Church. God was clearly up to something. The next step was to locate to a more permanent facility. On September 6, 2009, Freedom began meeting at Garrett Heights Elementary School. Then in January of 2010, Freedom Church was officially launched.

In 2013, God blessed Freedom with the Hazelwood facility in Rosedale, MD. This facility belonged to Hazelwood Baptist, a once vibrant and thriving church. Unfortunately, they were unable to sustain their ministry in the building and graciously gifted it to Freedom.  Freedom held its first service in the Hazelwood location on November 3, 2013 and has been worshipping there ever since.

In 2015, the elders casted a vision to plant a church on the westside of Baltimore. A core team consisting of Freedom members began working towards that vision until God also blessed them with a worship location in Windsor Mill, MD in May of 2018. Freedom Church Windsor Mill was officially launched on August 26, 2018.

The Lord continued to grow Freedom Church and on November 2015, Pastor Jeremy Dickson joined Freedom Church and became Campus Pastor.  On December 1, 2019, Pastor Jeremy Dickson was installed as Lead Pastor of Freedom Church. The Elders and Pastor Jeremy have cast a 3-year vision to see Freedom grow, multiply, and send out disciples to plant another church.

 Our prayer is that the Lord would equip us to see His vision fulfilled and His name glorified!